What to Expect

The first thing you can expect is a handshake or a hug. We are a friendly congregation and want our guests to feel welcomed like old friends or family.


We have reserved parking space for our guests on the south side of the parking lot, close to our electronic sign. There are also handicap spaces on this south side and a handicap entrance that will take you directly into our foyer.


Most attenders wear business-casual attire but you may see anything from jeans to suits. Our main desire is for our guests to feel welcomed and comfortable.


We have a staffed nursery for infants and toddlers through age three during Sunday school and worship times. You are certainly welcome to keep your little ones with you but should you desire to have your child cared for one of our usher/greeters can direct you to the nursery area.

After our time of congregation singing the children age 4 through 2nd grade are dismissed to Children's Church where they have a Bible lesson and activity taught on their level. Again, you have the freedom to have your children stay with you for the preaching/teaching time if you prefer.