Men’s Beast Feast

Come for an evening of food and fellowship at our youth building, located at 2712 South Street. Our men will be preparing dishes, whatever they can […]

The Erwins in Concert

Hear this grammy nominated family of singers. Their father and evangelist, Dennis Erwin, will also share a message.

Sunday Worship

Sundays start with Sunday school classes at 9:15 AM followed by corporate worship at 10:30.  After our time of praise worship, children ages 4 through 4th […]

Mid-Week Wednesday

There is something for everyone on Wednesday evenings. Awana Clubs are for ages 3 through 5th grade and meet in the Education wing. HPC Students, grades […]

Sunday Worship

Sundays start with Sunday school classes at 9:15 AM followed by corporate worship at 10:30.  After our time of praise worship, children ages 4 through 4th […]

Mid-Week Wednesday

There is something for everyone on Wednesday evenings. Awana Clubs are for ages 3 through 5th grade and meet in the Education wing. HPC Students, grades […]

Sunday Worship

Sundays start with Sunday school classes at 9:15 AM followed by corporate worship at 10:30.  After our time of praise worship, children ages 4 through 4th […]

Mid-Week Wednesday

There is something for everyone on Wednesday evenings. Awana Clubs are for ages 3 through 5th grade and meet in the Education wing. HPC Students, grades […]

Sunday Worship

Sundays start with Sunday school classes at 9:15 AM followed by corporate worship at 10:30.  After our time of praise worship, children ages 4 through 4th […]

Mid-Week Wednesday

There is something for everyone on Wednesday evenings. Awana Clubs are for ages 3 through 5th grade and meet in the Education wing. HPC Students, grades […]

Sunday Worship

Sundays start with Sunday school classes at 9:15 AM followed by corporate worship at 10:30.  After our time of praise worship, children ages 4 through 4th […]

Mid-Week Wednesday

There is something for everyone on Wednesday evenings. Awana Clubs are for ages 3 through 5th grade and meet in the Education wing. HPC Students, grades […]